Dear Kelly,
What penalty, if any, is imposed on a management company which does not disclose to the boards of their clients whether or not their manager is certified? I...
Mr. Richardson,
If a member is delinquent on their monthly assessment and goes through foreclosure and the bank takes over the home does the bank pay the...
Given the short time they serve (due to term limits), legislators rarely can address complex issues, and that includes homeowner association law. Except for the California...
Can an association have a line item on the reserve study called “Updating Governing Documents”? Governing documents are recommended to be reviewed and...
Kelly Richardson,
We have lived in three HOAs. What we have found lately is that no one wants anything to do with the HOA even though they signed up to be in it when they...
Some associations suffer damage from financial abuse, which can be every bit as devastating as a fire, except that this financial damage might not be covered by insurance....
Kelly Richardson,
Would there be any use in asking for explanations of Condo, Townhouse, PUD, Patio Homes?
D.F., Huntington Beach
Dear D.F.,
These four terms are...
Kelly Richardson,
I read your article in the paper, referencing homeowner association meetings and the Open Meeting Act (Civil Code 4900-4955). Prior to open board...
Dear Kelly,
Is it a conflict of interest to have a homeowner be the manager? As the President of a small HOA I was asked this question. I believe it would be a conflict....
California is in the fourth year of drought, and even with predictions of an approaching heavy “El Nino” rain season, it may take years before state water...
Hi Kelly,
We were recently told that unless you post for all to see that there will be an “Executive Session” at a board meeting, then you can’t have...
Mr. Richardson,
Our Board increased monthly assessments by exactly 20% without bringing it to the members for a vote. Is this legal? Is the law we must vote on...