Good Morning,
I am on the board of a community, and have seen many changes in procedures that govern all boards. Are there legal guidelines that we have to follow to...
Hello Kelly,
We live in a small condominium complex in Brawley, Ca. Our CC&R’s were last updated 15 years ago. At the time they were considered...
Hi Mr. Richardson,
I am new to the HOA board and enjoy reading your weekly column in the [paper]. I don’t think you have discussed what to do if the property manager...
Dear Kelly,
Why there are no educational requirements for board members and no requirements for either education, certification, background checks, etc. for managers?...
Dear Readers,
This marks the 200th column since it was revived in early 2012; may I share 20 thoughts with you on this milestone?
- Common interest communities involve...
Dear Kelly,
I was elected HOA President shortly after we bought a unit in the complex. I was told that the HOA was an unincorporated association. After some digging, I...
Dear Kelly,
I am a new director on (our HOA) board. Some of the new directors are very concerned about the condition of our association and possible malfeasance being...
Mr. Richardson,
I am the treasurer of a committee, which is the bank for funds raised by our various clubs and organizations. We use those funds to pay for projects. This...
Dear Kelly,
Hi, I can’t begin to tell you how many of us faithfully read your weekly column in the newspaper.
My question is this – Our association...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
Our HOA directors regularly nominate themselves as chairs of respective committees within the community. Needless to say, pet projects of individual...
Hi Kelly,
I first want to say I enjoy and appreciate reading your responses and advise on association issues.
I recently found out that the “manager” of the...
Hello Mr. Richardson,
Our HOA board is composed of 5 members, and is updating the CC&Rs and bylaws. The board created a committee composed of 3 board members who have...