Hi Kelly,
We were recently told that unless you post for all to see that there will be an “Executive Session” at a board meeting, then you can’t have...
Mr. Richardson,
Our Board increased monthly assessments by exactly 20% without bringing it to the members for a vote. Is this legal? Is the law we must vote on...
Good Morning Mr. Richardson,
Our association wants to amend our bylaws to increase the number of persons elected to the board. Do you have to fix the number to be elected...
I have been complaining about a tree that is behind my property on common area. The problem is the leaves that constantly fall into my pool and yard. The...
Dear Kelly,
Your articles on HOAs are quite informative. Thank you. Since I live in a condo I am interested in service dogs and “therapy” dogs. Why should...
Dear Kelly,
What is exclusive common area? I’m in a townhome community. Are fences between connected townhomes exclusive common area that the HOA has...
Condominium owners often misunderstand exclusive use common area, and this leads to far too many wasteful disputes. Simply put, exclusive use areas are not...
I live in a stock cooperative apartment complex comprised of downstairs and upstairs apartments. When tenting for termite infestation, this service covers both...
Dear Kelly,
Our HOA permits homeowners to maintain small areas of common area with the understanding that the homeowner will pay for returning the area to the care of the...
Dear Kelly,
Can the board of a condominium meet without the manager to discuss board business and take action as long as the agenda is posted? Can board members meet to...
Dear Kelly,
Immediately after the election of the board the new board members go into executive session to determine who will be the officers for the following year. This...
Of the five governing documents of most associations – articles of incorporation, recorded map or plan, bylaws, operating rules and “CC&Rs – the last,...