
Required Reserve Funding ā€“ Is there a Standard? Can We Fund With Transfer Fees? Can We Spend Reserve Funds on Insurance? Nov 19, 2024

By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq., CCAL, HOA Homefront Column

Mr. Richardson – Our HOA reserves for replacement are severely underfunded.  The board recognizes...

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What If Our Reserves Are Zero? Jun 25, 2023

By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq.

Dear Kelly: What happens if the reserves go to zero? What is insolvency? B.E., Tarzana

Dear B.E.: HOAs which fail to set aside money in their...

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Reader Questions: How Should We Invest HOA Funds? Dec 06, 2021

By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL

Mr. Richardson: HOAs face a financial issue with interest rates so low. My HOA and the vast majority of other HOAs play it safe with CDs...

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