By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront
Living in HOAs and governing HOAs can seem frustrating at times, but there are reasons for that frustration and...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq., CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Civil Code Section 4525 requires that specific important disclosures be provided to members upon request so they...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Mr. Richardson: What is the correct way to look up condo or PUD while trying to get an insurance policy? We looked...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq.
Hi Kelly: It is my opinion, we the homeowners have no rights in being run by a board of directors, a management company as well as the law....
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq.
Our Association has one board member who I’ll call “Rick.” “Rick” keeps repeating the same mantras:...
Assembly Bill 1410 (AB 1410) (Rodriguez) loses steam at the finish line and becomes law with a lessened impact on community associations.
AB 1410 Amends Section...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL
Governing documents are critical for HOA communities and are literally the legal glue holding the association together. Civil Code Section...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL
While 2021 was a banner year for positive HOA legislation, 2022 turned out to be less helpful in Sacramento for California HOAs. While...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL
Technology continues to scream forward at an amazing pace – is your HOA keeping up and using technology for maximum benefit to your...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq.
Dear Kelly,
Our HOA has suspended reserve deposits, borrowed from reserves without disclosing to members the full borrowed amount or the...