Mr. Richardson,
Good morning. Our community has approximately 9 that are behind in their HOA dues, some by two or more years. Can we legally have their water shut off as...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
I am a director of a large HOA. In our most recent board meeting the following came up in discussion:
- Our manager is calling homeowners and asking...
On Friday, August 17, Governor Brown concluded the long journey of the California Law Revision Commission’s multi-year project to reorganize the Davis-Stirling Common...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
We are new to HOA and would like to attend a class on how HOA’s work.
Thank you for your column,
P.G., Hermosa Beach
Dear P.G.,
Dear Mr. Richardson,
I recently discovered your “HOA Homefront” column in the newspaper and find it very valuable.
Your mention of the Davis Stirling Act has...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
Ran across your column recently and that spurred me into writing you.
I belong to an HOA in Riverside County. I have been told that state law...
Thanks for your [recent] informative article regarding changes in the Davis-Stirling Act.
In the article you state that the board cannot “discuss anything...
One of the scourges of the HOA world is disorderly board meetings. Associations large and small struggle with meetings filled with the cacophony of people talking over each...
Dear Kelly,
I bought my townhome last year, and recently received a letter stating some windows violate the architectural guidelines and must be changed. My neighbors have...
Hi Mr. Richardson,
Every week I am intrigued by your articles on the HOA Homefront. When I read your articles, I feel like I can relate to the topic you’ve written...
In community association governance, corporate formalities seem to get in the way of “good old common sense.” If someone is doing a good job, and is making good...
Hi Kelly,
When voting for an HOA be it elections, or dues increase, and the documents state a member in good standing, does this mean they need to be current on their...