Is Open Forum a necessary evil, or a valuable part of your board meetings? The law requires Open Forum to be a part of every open board meeting, under Civil Code Section...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
I received a notice from my homeowners association stating that I have a tree on my property that is too tall and should be cut in half or removed....
Hi Mr. Richardson,
I’ve been at meetings where you were a guest speaker and I have a question you can help me with. Is there any legal reason that prohibits a...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
What happens when the owners of the units in a home owners association are no longer willing or perhaps even able to serve on the Board of Directors?
Dear Mr. Richardson,
I read the articles in the [local newspaper] and have a question. I live in one of 7 individual homes on a common lot, which were built 30 years ago...
Serving as a volunteer director is hard enough, but it often is made more difficult by directors themselves. The problem is not a lack of good will, good thinking, or hard...
Dear Kelly,
We are a community of several hundred single family homes, no amenities other than many acres of green belt. Our board felt it necessary to change management...
I read your article in the paper and am curious about how many dogs are allowed in a town home? My next door neighbor has 4 large dogs.
Sometimes they howl when no...
Mr. Richardson,
What happens if, with all the risks of being on a board of directors of a HOA, all the members choose to resign and there is no one else on the...
Do you have a pet or not? You may think you do, but California law defines the term “pet,” at least for common interest development (CID) owners. Civil Code...
The Open Meeting Act (Civil §1363.05) is an Act within an Act; found in the middle of the Davis Stirling Act. The changes now in effect from 2011’s SB 563 are...