Kelly Richardson,
Our HOA was formed about 1960. We have filed SI-100 with the state as required. We have never filed any state or federal tax forms.
The HOA is a...
What rights do I have to review the complete CC&Rs including addenda added in the past twenty plus years we lived in this community? I do not require them...
Dear Kelly,
Who is responsible for repair of the water supply lines inside building walls between units of the same stack?
J.R., Los Angeles
Dear J.R,
You asked the $64...
I am professional and own multiple rental properties in a condo complex.
I happen to be a board member of HOA. Can I be sued personally?
B.S, Anaheim Hills...
I live in a condo in Laguna Niguel, CA. I have a small patio (ground level). It would be really nice to be able to have a slightly larger patio. There is a common...
Mr. Richardson,
I have been under the impression that a change to the governing laws in California no longer allowed proxies for elections. As such, we almost never get a...
Our board hired a landscape architect to give a proposal on redoing our entrance area. The proposal includes replacing original asphalt with pavers and installing...
On January 1, 2014, the Davis-Stirling Act moves to a more spacious new home, thanks to a major reorganization effort by the California Law Revision Commission. For the...
Good Morning Mr. Richardson,
We purchased a condo in Laguna Niguel. We noticed that many condos have privacy fences. All of these fences are constructed using...
This is an active time in Sacramento, as literally thousands of bills (over 2,300 at last count) have been proposed this year for possible new or changed laws in...
Dear Kelly,
Our board members look forward to reading your columns with great interest. A question was recently posed regarding residents using cell phones to allow entry...