Dear Kelly,
In my townhouse complex, an owner plants his own personal fruit and vegetable garden on Association property. He has potted containers (from 30 to...
Limit on Assessments
Hello Kelly,
I have a question for you. I have owned my condominium unit since 1984. When my husband and I purchased our condo the dues were...
Member Petitions
Dear Kelly,
Our By-Laws limit the board from spending over $3000 without 2/3’s owner approval. We tried to increase that a couple years ago, but...
Management Dissatisfaction
Our board works harder than our property manager. How do we fire him? I just want the best property and I don’t think our...
Minutes, Rules Challenges
Dear Kelly,
Is it common for a board secretary to have the management company representative take meeting minutes? I do not see anything in our...
Motorcycle Noise
Hi Mr. Richardson,
Our Board refuses to enforce the CC&R provision prohibiting the operation of motorcycles in the complex. To change the...
Depositing Reserve Funds
Dear Mr. Richardson,
I enjoy reading your columns in the paper very much.
One of the HOA’s that I belong to has a minute, but I...
Dear Kelly,
I live in gated country club community. Do I have the right to read the employee guidebook?
K.B., Palm Desert
Dear K.B.,
The Davis-Stirling Act lists a number...
Dear Kelly,
My husband is president of an HOA with less than 20 townhome units. Although the bylaws prohibit any president serving over 4 years, my husband has served...
Hi Kelly,
We continue to enjoy your column and value your responses. You are providing a valuable service in educating those of us who live in homeowner...