By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
In 2000, a new panic swept the country - “toxic mold.” Twenty-four years of lawsuits and untold billions...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Dear Kelly: Is it legal for the board of a community to host a meeting without including representation from the...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Dear Kelly: My question is whether it is legal to raise one's HOA fees without a prior notification of proposed...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Dear Kelly, I have been a member of a small condo for over two years. There are no board members and the HOA doesn't...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Dear Mr. Richardson: Can you address AB1572 which will have a huge effect financially on our HOA? B.W., San...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Dear Mr. Richardson: I am hoping you could help me with my HOA that’s trying to remove my daughter...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
California and federal law provide important protections for disabled persons. Morally and legally, doing what...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Kelly, I am on the board for our HOA, which is comprised of single family residences. Does the new balcony law...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Dear Kelly: Can HOAs increase the 20% for monthly dues plus add a 5% special assessment at the same time? P.M.,...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL
The law requires HOAs to keep their corporate status current, and failure can be disastrous.
Most California HOAs are set up as nonprofit...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Column
Hi Kelly, I wanted to get further clarification regarding the new Civil Code Section 4926. My simple question, which...
By Kelly G. Richardson, Esq. CCAL, HOA Homefront Column
Hi Kelly, we just received a notice two days ago that our HOA assessments will increase 10%. The new increase takes...