When buying a common interest property, you automatically become a member of an association. Here are a “baker’s dozen” of items to consider first:
Dear Kelly,
Our HOA president has been working for one of the vendors that we use for some of the work around our complex. He did not disclose this information to anyone...
Dear Kelly,
I purchased my condo last year. As of this year, I suddenly started hearing my upstairs neighbor’s footsteps when he walks across his...
Since the assessment collection procedures were changed by the legislature in 2005, many have questioned whether associations were required to accept partial...
Dear Kelly,
When I bought my condo some thirty years ago, I signed and accepted the CC&Rs at the close of escrow; these included By-laws and Rules and Regulations. The...
Good Morning Mr. Richardson,
I am an avid reader of your column, longtime member of my association and currently a board member.
Over the weekend our manager...
Dear Kelly,
I own and live in a unit which I thought all along was a condominium, but I just recently found out that it’s actually a PUD. What is a PUD...
Dear Kelly,
I live in a large retirement park, age 55 and up. There is no limit on the amount of money the board can spend. They are increasing our dues, to the point many...
Hi Kelly,
I’m confused between “rules” and “CC&R’s”. Our board over the years has implemented new rules. What I don’t...
Mr. Richardson,
I live in a townhouse complex. The HOA is planning on termite tenting the buildings. My boss who is also a lawyer and real estate broker told me...
Mr. Richardson,
I very much enjoy your column. Can you recommend a source for a proxy form which is valid under California law for an HOA board of...
Hi Kelly,
I recently got a letter from an attorney demanding payment of back HOA dues on a house that I left in 2008. We got hit hard by the recession and were forced to...