Mr. Richardson,
If a homeowner is in arrears on HOA dues and the association has put a lien on the property, can the HOA proceed with Small Claims Court before a...
Dear Kelly,
I really like your column. I’m on an HOA board and pride myself in keeping up with HOA legislation. I learned something new in your reply to a recent...
Hello Mr. Richardson,
I attended a Board meeting in which the opening of ballots was on the agenda. The president mentioned that a list with the names of all the...
Dear Kelly,
You recently addressed a question about HOAs granting “exclusive use” to those individual owners requesting expanded control and use of parcels...
Mr. Richardson,
What can a board do about a board member who never shows up? We have a board member who hasn’t attended a meeting in over a year. When I...
Dear Kelly,
Our management company also owns a maintenance company and seems to get all the work in the HOA. The board awarded him a paint contract after he received...
Dear Kelly,
The law has changed due to the drought. Because of that, California Civil code section 4736(b) puts limitations on using a pressure washing for...
Dear Kelly,
We are in the process of assembling an electronic address file. I am interested in your recent comments about obtaining quorum proxies from absentee...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
I am new to the HOA concept and have thoughts about running for the board. However, there seems to be two concepts out there about the power of the...
Dear Kelly,
As the financial officer of my homeowners association, I am concerned about how we can collect our back dues when the owner goes into...
Dear Kelly,
We have no management company in our HOA for over a year. One board member is running the whole show, who is the secretary, treasurer, paid gardener and...
Hi Kelly,
Must the board get a majority vote of homeowners to make their community common areas non-smoking? If the board got the vote would an amendment have to be added...