Mr. Richardson,
I am one of a couple employees in a small, self-managed, association. Regarding opening the association records to owners. How much detail are they...
Common interest development associations (aka “HOAs”) are governed by both state and federal Fair Housing laws. Fair Housing laws prohibit “familial...
On April 7, 2017, Governor Brown issued Executive Order B-40-17, formally ending the drought emergency, which can be read in its entirety at,...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
A board member also owns several properties elsewhere. An HOA vendor told me that this director demands, and gets, ‘discounts’ from the...
Hello Mr. Richardson,
I recently received a letter from our management company, that all owners that rent their units out must submit a copy of the agreement to the...
Hello Mr. Richardson,
Your articles are a wonderful resource for all involved with CIDs. I try to never miss an article.
This past year we got a new manager and there has...
Many condominium buyers do not understand what they bought until long after becoming an owner. Condominiums consist of two elements: A “separate interest”,...
I hope all is well. Thank you for your great HOA articles.
What is the definition of internal installations of the unit? Are pipes in the wall considered internal...
Hello Mr. Richardson,
Long story short, the members have all been reluctant to get involved on our board for many years. They are all fine with someone else doing it.
The ancient Chinese concept of yin and yang deals with opposite and inseparable forces. Common interest developments (“homeowner associations”) have their own...
Mr. Richardson,
Regarding water cutbacks and dead lawns, can an HOA require homeowners who stopped watering to replace their dead lawns with other types of ground cover...
Some well-intentioned ideas can boomerang and hurt those who are intended to be helped. Such is the new Civil Code 4041, created by last year’s SB918.
Section 4041...