Hello Mr. Richardson,
I own a two bedroom condo with a balcony. We live in the area where a lot of smoke from a busy boulevard, so the balcony needs to be washed often. We...
Dear Sir,
How is it legal for a mobilehome park HOA to be registered with the government as a condominium association? What ramifications does that have on our CC&Rs?...
So-called “bare walls” insurance plans are often discussed in associations trying to limit the cost of water damage claims. In a bare walls approach, the HOA...
Hi Kelly,
My spouse and I read your column regularly.
Recently our HOA called a meeting to let us know they want to change our CC&R’s specifically to have...
Dear Kelly,
I own units in many different HOAs, including one in Huntington Beach.
The HOA board has recently promulgated new rules regarding qualifications required for...
A fundamental HOA purpose is to preserve the association’s architectural theme, typically protected by rules administered by an architectural committee or the board....
Associations are normally created with an initial architectural and landscaping theme which boards are responsible to protect and preserve. Condominium association boards...
Hey Kelly,
A new owner in our condo complex rented it to tenants who installed security cameras on the exterior of their unit, one on their front door and one on their...
A notice of a disciplinary hearing is not the best kind of mail to open, but in common interest communities, that is how associations compel owners to be good neighbors....
Dear Mr. Richardson,
You have a very enlightening column. Our board is now requiring approval of any architectural changes within the individual owner’s unit. Seems...
Dear Kelly,
Our HOA reserves are extremely low and our collections are growing worse by the day. We are a gated community, many with renters. Can we deny owners/renters...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
I have been a director of a mid-sized association. About 90% of the homes are owner- occupied. For the last three years we have been unable to obtain...