Mr. Richardson,
Can the HOA install a camera in one garage area but not others? The HOA also installed a camera in the pool in order to catch one person’s possible...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
The Davis-Stirling Act requires HOAs to develop certain operating rules, e.g., for elections or dispute resolution. Can (or should) the required rules...
If board service is not difficult enough, you can crank it up a notch by making board meetings much longer. If people aren’t dozing by meeting’s end and if...
Our condo association started a “no smoking” policy, but one owner continues to smoke marijuana often. The HOA sent a notice to stop and called him to a...
Dear Kelly,
My tenants are extremely allergic to smoke – the tenants next door smoke around the clock. I have been working with our board and management, and...
First, check with the members
Amending CC&Rs usually takes a supermajority (i.e. more than simply a majority of the quorum), so strong membership support is essential....
Dear Kelly,
Are board members required have to own and live on site to become a board member? I am not finding any information on this in my CC&Rs or rules and...
Hi Kelly,
We purchased a home needing a complete remodel and we took all of the appropriate steps with the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). We submitted additional...
Hello Kelly,
I enjoy and learn from your column on HOA’s. I live in small resident-managed HOA. Our reserves are very low. Is there a minimum amount or percentage...
Dear Kelly,
Thank you for your always insightful columns. I have a question regarding the new state law supporting use of common facilities for political activities, and...
Dear Kelly,
I recently purchased a condominium, and have discovered many improprieties with my HOA. I complained to the Attorney General who told me they can’t do...
Last week’s column discussed SB 1265, a terrible bill for HOAs. There are several other bills which, if passed, would make major and minor changes to HOAs in 2019,...