Most associations find committees helpful. Here are some tips to maximize their value to the HOA:
1. Committees can be “ad hoc,” i.e., temporary, or ongoing
I am a member of my HOA board. Our prior management company had done all of our investments (from our direction) for our reserve funds. FDIC insured CD’s were...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
Our HOA has operating and reserve investment funds. The monthly assessments include amounts to increase the reserve account balances. Interest earned...
Dear Kelly,
Is there any legal requirement for the reserves to be at any levels or is it a recommendation by the state? Can an HOA be taken over by the state if it is...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
Many years ago, I was allowed by the board to raise the height of my deck. I paid for the architectural change. No board member or manager since has...
The “Open Meeting Act” (Civil Code Sections 4900-4955), requires at Section 4925(b) that all membership meetings and board meetings have a time set aside...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
Our board is considering banning informal meetings in common areas. To me, this sounds like a violation of the constitutional right of assembly, but...
Dear Mr. Richardson,
If a club in the HOA wants a locked storage space, is it considered exclusive use?
W.S., Escondido
Dear W.S.,
Exclusive use common area is...
Hi Kelly,
Our HOA recently voted to update our CC&R’s. One section prohibits ownership of numerous breeds of dogs that the board considers dangerous. Since...
Dear Kelly,
Is there a way to get out of our three member HOA? Our home stands alone. The other two are connected. Thank you for your comment on this!
K.N., Santa Barbara
Previous columns addressed management options and contracts. After selecting the desired type of management services, how can a board know if a manager prospect is...
The previous HOA Homefront column discussed choices in association management. If the association decides to hire a management firm to provide service, the management...