Many talented successful people find themselves continually frustrated with volunteer service on their HOA board, and often are surprised to find themselves in conflict...
Senate Bill 323 took effect in January 2020, creating new procedural requirements for HOAs and also unintentionally creating many problems and unanswered questions....
The term “fiduciary duty” is often used, but with a misunderstanding of what it means. HOA Directors are considered “fiduciaries” because they care...
Dear Mr. Richardson:
Our deck, which is the HOA’s responsibility, has been rotted and deemed dangerous to walk on for over two years. The association claims...
Assistance animals are very important to certain disabled individuals. Under the federal Fair Housing Act (42 United States Code 3601 and following), and California...
Hi Kelly,
Good morning. My HOA is requiring me to install “critter guards” as part of my solar installation, but this will cost me over $1,000. Can...
Hi Kelly, I read your column about HOA’s regularly, and I enjoy it.
Can a HOA prevent us from placing solar panels on the roof of our condominium...
Kelly, how much notice is required regarding place and time for monthly board meetings?
Thanks, C.B., Redondo Beach
Dear C.B.:
Under Civil Code 4920(a), four...
[This is the fourth and final installment of this series, which previously addressed directors, homeowners, and managers.]
As the association’s service provider, I...
[After two previous columns proposing resolutions for directors and HOA members, here are ideas for managers. Next week – service providers]
As an association...
[Second in a four-part series, with possible resolutions for the HOA owner. Next week’s installment will suggest ideas for managers.]
I, the HOA member, resolve...
Many of us start the new year with commitments to improve, so why leave out the HOA? This four-part series suggests resolutions for association directors, homeowners,...