Matt D. Ober, Esq., CCAL, Elected into the CAI Business Partners Council
Dec 21, 2021
Matt D. Ober, Esq., CCAL was elected into CAI’s Business Partners Council for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2022.
“Being in a service-oriented HOA business, I have learned that listening is critical to service; it facilitates connection and strengthens relationships,” explains Matt. "In this post-pandemic shift to a more virtual-oriented business environment, the value of CAI maintaining a personal presence in its members' lives cannot be overstated. We have an opportunity now to reconnect with each other in both familiar ways while we embracing new, innovative methods of communication and marketing.”
About CAI Business Partners Council
The Business Partners Council represents product and services providers and professionals. The Council is made up of twelve members, with at least one person who is one of the following: Accountant, Attorney, Banker, Insurance Professional, Information Technology Professional, and Reserve Specialist. The Council provides input on policy matters to the CAI Board of Trustees, and serves as a key resource to staff.
To learn more click here.